
Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

Childhood Trauma and Its Effects on Adulthood

No one wants to think about childhood innocence being tainted by trauma. Unfortunately, it happens more often than most people realize. Childhood trauma can come in the form of physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or even witnessing traumatic events.

While trauma can be difficult for a child, it doesn’t stop there.

If childhood trauma goes unprocessed and untreated, that child can carry it with them well into adulthood where it can manifest itself in a variety of negative ways. 

If you were a victim of childhood trauma, understanding how it can impact you as an adult can make you more aware of what to look for and can encourage you to get the help you deserve. 

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

4 Tips to Repairing a Sexless Marriage

Sex isn’t the most important part of a healthy marriage. But, make no mistake — it should be some part. People like to lighten the subject of marital sex by suggesting things like “the spark has gone out” or even joking about how infrequently they share those intimate moments. 

But it’s really no laughing matter. A sexless marriage often indicates there’s something bigger going on beneath the surface. 

Maybe it’s a lack of communication. Maybe your needs or wants have changed. Or, maybe it does feel like that “spark” has gone out, and you’re not sure what to do about it. 

If that sounds familiar, don’t assume your marriage is doomed. There are things you can do to repair a sexless marriage.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

What is Gottman Couples Therapy?

Every relationship has problems sometimes. Even the happiest, healthiest couples argue and don’t agree about everything. The Gottman method is research-backed, but it takes core principles and applies them to every couple’s unique situation.

Therefore, it’s effective for couples who are dealing with infidelity, emotional distance, or just patterns of frequent arguing. You might not even feel like your relationship is in trouble, but you want to improve your bond and learn how to better understand each other, especially when it comes to dealing with conflicts.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

How CBT Can Help Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. It impacts everyone differently, but most people who experience it have to deal with overwhelming sadness or feelings of hopelessness.

If there’s a silver lining to how prevalent depression is, it’s that there are many treatment and management options to consider. While some people benefit from medication, therapy is often the best choice when it comes to getting to the bottom of your depression and working through your symptoms.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented therapy that helps to put a stop to negative thoughts and behaviors associated with depression. It’s an evidence-based therapy that has become one of the most popular treatment options for depression — and other mental health conditions.

Let’s take a closer look at CBT and why it might be the best solution if you’re dealing with depression.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

What Causes Depression in Men?

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. It doesn’t discriminate between men and women.

Depression also doesn’t have a singular cause. Some people are at a greater risk than others. Men, particularly, tend to face unique challenges when it comes to what causes depression — and what they do about it. 

Let’s dig a little deeper into what causes depression in men and why it might be more of a struggle for them.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

How to Grieve After Divorce

There’s no denying that the divorce process is difficult. Even if things end amicably, you’re going through a loss you probably never expected. It’s not just the loss of a relationship but of a life you built with someone.

You might have to move out of your home. Your schedule with your children might change. You’re also losing the family of your former spouse that you grew to love. Research has even suggested that some people regret getting a divorce after it happens.

Needless to say, grief is normal after divorce. But it can be difficult to navigate on top of the countless other things you’re trying to work through. Trying to ignore your grief will only make it worse and will take a serious toll on your mental well-being.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to honor your grief and start moving forward toward the next chapter of your life.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

4 Useful Tips to Overcome Perfectionism

Perfectionism is so much more than simply trying to do your best or having high expectations of yourself and/or others. Rather, those expectations are often unrealistic and can impact your self-esteem and your mental well-being. 

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

Where Does Social Anxiety Come From?

Anxiety can take many forms. You might not have anxious, intrusive thoughts 24/7, but certain things can trigger them and make you feel practically paralyzed.

That’s often how it feels for people with social anxiety. You might feel “fine” more often than not. But even the idea of social situations can cause your heart to race and your thoughts to wander to the worst possible places.

Sound familiar?

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

How Do You Talk to Your Partner About Your Relationship?

Your partner should be the person you turn to when you want to discuss just about anything. Maybe you do feel like you share everything with them already, but have you ever thought about how often you actually talk about your relationship?

Discussing your relationship with your romantic partner isn’t just important—it’s necessary. Talking about your needs, wants, unresolved issues or things that make you happy will help strengthen your bond and improve intimacy.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

5 Ways to Show Up for Yourself in Your Relationship

The relationship you have with yourself is just as important as the one you have with your partner. If you’ve been in a romantic relationship for a while, it’s understandable and normal for things to shift over time. You might be out of the honeymoon phase, and maybe you’ve fallen into a comfortable routine or pattern with your partner.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

6 Ways to be a Better Partner

Whether you’ve been in a serious relationship for a month, a year, or twenty years, you should never stop striving to be a better partner. Far too many couples become victims of “roommate syndrome,” where it starts to feel more like you’re living together as friends than romantic partners. Thankfully, you can do your part by actively taking steps to be the best partner possible. By putting in continued effort throughout your relationship, you’ll boost your bond, build intimacy, and help the roots of your partnership stay strong.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

How to Have Healthy Conflict in Your Relationships

The words “healthy conflict” might not immediately seem to go together, especially when it comes to relationships. No one likes arguing or disagreeing with people they care about. It can lead to frustration, hurt, and even rifts in those relationships—romantic or otherwise.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

Tuning Into What You Really Want While Dating

You might not have a checklist for the people you date. That’s something that’s often better left for romantic comedies. But, while you might not want to go looking for someone who “checks all of the boxes,” it is important to make sure you know what you really want while dating. That might seem obvious, right? Well, not necessarily. 

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

6 Tips to Overcome Relationship Anxiety

Many people describe the butterflies and nerves they get when they’re in a new relationship. Some people still have those same “happy” nerves even after years of being with someone. But there’s a difference between butterflies and anxiety.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

Are Women Happier After A Divorce

Divorce is not a black-and-white situation. It is a tumultuous time for both partners. There are many emotions involved, which can get messy and complicated. Many people commonly view divorcing men and women in a certain light.

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Liz Wollmann Liz Wollmann

How Divorce Impacts A Family

Divorce is never an easy thing to decide to do. You spent time building a life with this person, creating memories with them, and planning for the future. Yet when it all comes crashing down, it can feel like a heavy weight is on your heart and soul.

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