Childhood Trauma and Its Effects on Adulthood

No one wants to think about childhood innocence being tainted by trauma. Unfortunately, it happens more often than most people realize. Childhood trauma can come in the form of physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or even witnessing traumatic events.

While trauma can be difficult for a child, it doesn’t stop there.

If childhood trauma goes unprocessed and untreated, that child can carry it with them well into adulthood where it can manifest itself in a variety of negative ways. 

If you were a victim of childhood trauma, understanding how it can impact you as an adult can make you more aware of what to look for and can encourage you to get the help you deserve. 

So, how can childhood trauma affect adulthood? 

Mental Health Issues

There are countless factors that can contribute to mental health issues, like anxiety and depression. But childhood trauma is one of them. You might find yourself anxious about nearly everything or “on edge” more often than not.

You might also have difficulty trusting anyone, or you constantly assume the worst is going to happen. 

If you don’t struggle with anxiety, you might be dealing with depression instead. Even high-functioning depression can be difficult to live with, causing you to deal with feelings of deep sadness and hopelessness.

Relationship Issues

Attachments are formed in early childhood. If you aren’t able to form a secure bond with a parent or caregiver because of trauma, it can lead to lasting problems well into adulthood. 

Those issues can make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships. You might feel the need to be extremely independent, so you don’t let people get too close, or you don’t open up the way you should in an intimate relationship. 

You might also struggle to think that you’re good enough to be in a relationship, so you keep everyone at a distance. 

Unfortunately, that mindset can create a vicious cycle. The more you struggle with your relationships, the more you might end up isolating yourself. That can create more anxiety, depression, and stress. 

Unhealthy Ways of Coping

It’s not uncommon for victims of childhood trauma to repress those negative memories or try to find different ways of dealing with them. That can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms and risky choices, including substance abuse or other harmful behaviors. 

Again, that can lead to even stronger symptoms of anxiety and depression, and you’re less likely to get the help you need when you’re struggling with extreme fear or sadness. Leaning on things like substances or alcohol can also lead to physical health issues and make it even harder to maintain healthy relationships. 

What Can You Do?

We don’t live in a perfect world. Childhood trauma occurs, and no matter what you went through, your feelings are valid, and what you’re experiencing now is real. 

If any of these feelings sound familiar, consider reaching out for professional help. Therapy is often the best way to deal with the lasting effects of childhood trauma so it doesn’t dictate your life anymore. 

If you’ve repressed those traumatic experiences, therapy can help you get back to the root cause of where they came from. While that isn’t always easy, it’s like ripping away a bandage to get to the underlying cause of the problem. Working from the ground up can promote real healing. You’ll also work on effective strategies that can help you overcome these symptoms on a daily basis as you start a fresh chapter. 

No matter what you went through as a child, you can find peace as an adult. Contact me for more information or to set up an appointment soon. 


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