What Causes Depression in Men?

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. It doesn’t discriminate between men and women.

Depression also doesn’t have a singular cause. Some people are at a greater risk than others. Men, particularly, tend to face unique challenges when it comes to what causes depression — and what they do about it. 

Let’s dig a little deeper into what causes depression in men and why it might be more of a struggle for them.

The Main Triggers of Depression

Again, depression doesn’t discriminate. Many of the common causes impact both men and women. However, men might be more susceptible to depression because of their careers, physical health issues, changes in living arrangements, or relationship problems. 

You may also be more at risk of developing depression if you have a family history of it. But, it often occurs because of environmental issues like stress or major life changes. 

Though we’re in the 21st century, there’s no denying that men still have a lot of pressure on their shoulders. Some men internalize that pressure more than others, and that kind of stress can lead to both anxiety and depression. 

The Mental Health Stigma

The good news? Depression is often very manageable with the right kind of help and treatment. The bad news? There’s still a stigma around men’s mental health issues. Again, that might seem silly in the 21st century, but far too many men don’t seek out the help they need and deserve because of it. 

Some men think that mental health issues make them weak, so they try to ignore them. Unfortunately, that can make problems like depression worse.

For example, one of the most common symptoms of depression is sleep issues. The less you’re able to sleep, the worse your depression can become. It’s a vicious cycle that won’t go away on its own. This stigma fuels the fire of depression, creating bigger and longer-lasting issues for men who are struggling. 

What Are the Signs of Depression in Men? 

Most people associate depression with extreme feelings of sadness. That’s one of the most common symptoms, but there are so many others to consider. The more you understand the common symptoms, the sooner you can reach out for help. 

Some of the most common signs of depression in men include:

  • frustration

  • irritability

  • feelings of emptiness

  • low energy

  • lack of interest

  • controlling behaviors

  • sexual dysfunction

  • headaches

  • muscle pain

  • digestive issues

What Can You Do?

Because of the continued stigma around mental health issues in men, it’s not uncommon for some men to try to “treat” themselves. Unfortunately, that can lead to risky behaviors and self-medicating. Some turn to drugs or alcohol to cope, which could lead to substance abuse or addiction. 

The best thing you can do if you’re dealing with depression is to seek professional help. A therapist can help you get to the root cause of your depression. That’s often the first step in the healing process. Learning where your condition stems from offers a springboard so you can start moving forward. 

Therapy can also help you learn how to effectively cope with and manage your symptoms in healthy ways. 

There are many different causes of depression in men. You might be more susceptible than others, but the important thing is to understand where your feelings come from and how you can manage them. Don’t let stereotypes and stigmas cause you to shoulder those burdens alone. Reach out to me for help coping with depression as soon as possible. Doing so isn’t weak — it shows great strength.


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